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My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related)

2 posters

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1My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Empty My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:08 am


Often I "play" with photoshop and make stuff like signatures, wallpapers and so on.

I'll show you now a little bit of my work. ^^'

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Lara_Croft_Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Little_Big_Planet___Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Scream_it_out___Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Hellgate_London_Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Assassins_Creed_Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Peach_Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Soccer_is_fun___Signature_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Knivez_Logo_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Knives___signaturewallpfsa
*Fullview please*

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Ssbb_userbars_by_chrigp0dp
*Fullview please*

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Hayley_Williams_Userbar_by_Chrigii92

My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Hayley_Williams_Userbar_V2_by_Chrigii92

----> My deviantART Link <----

2My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Empty Re: My GFX-Stuff (Not Teeworlds-related) Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:55 am



hey! thats awesome!!!i didnt know that you are sooo good Very Happy continue!!


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